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Lunch Information 2025

2024-2025 Lunch Prices & Information
Income Eligibility Guide

Breakfast K-6 $2.35       Lunch K-6 $2.80

Breakfast 7-12 $2.70     Lunch 7-12 $3.05

Breakfast is served from 7:30-8:15 every day, 8:05 at Big DaVinci!

Reduced-Price Rate: Breakfast is $0.30 cents and Lunch is $0.40 cents for qualifying K-12th grade DaVinci students.

Every DaVinci student is entitled to one reimbursable meal at breakfast and at lunch, whether you qualify for free, reduced or full-priced benefits. Students must have money in their food service account to purchase seconds, extra milk or fruit/vegetables.

Please contact the kitchen for any dietary restrictions!

We strive for our students to eat a complete and healthy meal to ensure the highest nutrition is served!

Reimbursable Breakfast = 1 carton of milk, a serving of fruit/juice and 2 oz. equivalent of grains is a complete breakfast.

Reimbursable Lunch = 1 carton of milk, a serving of fruit, a serving of vegetables, and a main entree-- which have at least    1-2 oz. equivalent of grains and 2 oz. equivalent of meat/meat alternates to make a complete lunch.